**LEVEL 1:** In South African workplace there is an increase demand for first aiders to respond to casualty. Opportunity for the public at large as well as employees to receive training in accordance to the set principles and procedures in needed. This programme is designed to give learner background in essentials of first aid at level one. Learners apply essential principles of first aid, terminology and methods of providing first aid a casualty. This certificate programme is aimed at everyone, team members in the workplace as well as anyone who wish to gain knowledge in the subject.
**Level 2:** First Aid training is becoming a greater need than ever before as the population grows and communities are required to help themselves. It is imperative that everyone is able to give emergency care in the home, at work and during time of leisure. At this level learner will be able to perform procedures and methods of providing first aid. This certificate programme is aimed at team leaders, newly elected first aiders in the workplace as well as anyone who wish to gain knowledge in the subject
**Leve 3:** The first aider has the opportunity to reach the casualty in the golden hour – the 60 minutes following an injury or sudden illness. This is the vital time in which correct first aid must be carried out and medical assistance called to save lives and promote

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